
During the month of February, we can't help but think of love - love for your pipes that is. With the fluctuation in temperatures in Richmond this winter it is important to pay close attention to your pipes. The G-Man wants to share some quick ways to show your pipes some love:

1. Schedule in preventive maintenance. We tend to only pay attention to pipe clogs after they become a big problem and we never have drain cleaner on hand. Click here to learn about our G-Club VIP Maintenance Membership Plan. Schedule in time every month to show your pipes love. Use two cups of drain cleaner per drain and follow the instructions on the bottle. Once you get in a regular habit of this, not only will your pipes be healthier, but you also won't have such a stressful time when a big clog occurs.

2. Insulate exposed pipes. While we are experiencing a mild winter, that can change at any moment. Take advantage of the warm weather and insulate any exposed pipes around your home. Take a trip to your local hardware store and get some insulation. There are various types you can purchase depending on the pipes you want to cover. Consult with the specialist at the store. Take an hour or so this weekend and cover all your exposed pipes. You will have peace of mind during the next cold snap!

3. Assess the health of your pipes. No matter how much we care for our pipes, they are bound to age. It is important to keep a checklist, mental or documented, of the health of the pipes throughout your home. This is easiest with the pipes you can see. It is more challenging to know the health of those that are in the walls or under the house. Scheduling a plumber to come out to do a check-up once a year will save you time and money in the long run.

We hope these tips are helpful. In the event of an emergency with your plumbing, the G-Men at Gilman are here for you and your family!

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