In the world we live in today, we buy a lot of expensive things to keep ourselves comfortable. One of the costliest items is a new HVAC system. When homeowners make the decision to purchase a new HVAC system for their home, they want it to remain in the best working condition for as long as possible.
We have had quite the rainy season in Richmond these past few months. This type of weather can put a damper on outdoor activities but offers a great opportunity for some indoor improvements. Here are 5 simple things you can do on a rainy day to improve your home.
You may think a dripping faucet is not really a big deal, or a small leaky pipe won't cause a problem. But, you are wrong. Just because a plumbing problem looks small, does not mean it cannot create massive damage.
It may still be warm in RVA, but winter is just around the corner. As the cold weather moves in, air conditioning units will be turned off and heating turned on. Even though your AC has worked well throughout the hot summer season, there are still a few things you should do before you forget about it for the next few months. The G-Man has a few tips on how to winterize your AC:
Our President, Winston Hancock, talks about celebrating 100 years with Gilman.
"Gilman has come a long way over the past 100 years. When we opened in 1917, our plumbers carried homemade wooden toolboxes and rode the trolley to service calls. At that time, two service calls a day was a lot. In 2017, we no longer take the trolley and our number of service calls per day has greatly increased with technology.
Storage tank hot water heaters are generally not problematic until the day the tank springs a leak or the heating element fails. Deciding to repair or replace the unit comes down to a few factors: age, type of damage, and cost. You'll want to make a quick decision since no one wants to be stuck showering without hot water, even in temperate eastern Virginia.
For ideal comfort, the humidity inside your house should range between 30 and 50 percent. If it gets any higher, not only will homeowners feel hot and sweaty, dangerous mold and mildew also has a chance to grow. Thankfully, there are some easy steps Ashland, VA homeowners can take to lower humidity in their homes.
If you're working with a competent professional who follows HVAC industry best practices for system sizing and selection, you're off to a great start! Installing the ductless mini-split A/C in the best location is the crucial next step. Use these tips to make sure the job is well done so you can maximize home cooling and energy efficiency.
Thermostats come under a number of different categories, but whether you've got a switch-controlled or digital unit, chances are you'll have to replace thermostat batteries at some point. It's actually recommended you do this once a year. If you're unsure how to replace thermostat batteries, keep reading.
You may have one in your home, but you may still be wondering what is a forced-air furnace. By learning exactly what it is and how it works, you can better see that it's maintained and maximize its efficiency.
A forced-air furnace heats air and disperses it throughout your home via ductwork and vents. Forced-air furnaces heat air in various ways, including by burning natural gas, propane or heating oil, or less often with electricity. Most of today's forced-air furnaces are energy efficient and their blowers can be used to distribute cool air from the A/C in the summer.
Where central heating ducts aren’t installed, ductless heating or a portable heater are two viable solutions. In many cases, extending ducts to a new add-on or remodel in an existing home is financially prohibitive or just not worth the disruption of opening up walls and ceilings. Choosing between ductless heating or a portable heater involves drawing clear distinctions between the pros and cons of each.
What are ductless mini splits? They're climate control units that don't use ductwork. They work well in home additions where no ducts are connected, as well as in historic homes whose original construction makes them hard to alter without changing the structural integrity of a building. Ductless mini splits can be used in almost any dwelling since they're so small and compact.
Wondering how to make your air conditioner run colder? Let’s make one important distinction first. An air conditioner cools your home by taking the heat out, not by adding coldness. Once the heat energy has been extracted from interior air and conveyed outdoors, cool comfort is simply the state that’s left behind. The effectiveness of an air conditioner is assessed by its capacity to handle your home's cooling load: the amount of BTUs of heat energy the unit must transfer outdoors every hour to keep temperatures at a comfortable level. While it's not possible to make an A/C perform beyond its manufactured specifications, making sure it doesn’t fall below its rated capacity is very possible. The answer to how to make your air conditioner run colder comes down to a few simple DIY steps.